Onboarding for Employees: Importance and How to do it

Onboarding for Employees: Importance and How to do it

Onboarding for Employees: Importance and How to do it


Newcomer orientation is one of the essential activities that determine the productivity of practicing personnel and the well-being of an organization. Surprisingly, onboarding is one of the most neglected or poorly executed organizational processes. Hence, in the following article, we are going to discuss the significance of onboarding new hires, backed up with some essential figures; in addition, we will offer a step-by-step guideline on how to conduct an efficient onboarding procedure.

Importance of Onboarding: The Key Statistics

Understanding the impact of onboarding can be seen through various statistics:

  • Retention Rates: Based on multiple studies, onboarding of employees is the best approach under the following repercussions: employment permanency; it enhances employment permanency with 82% (Brandon Hall Group).
  • Productivity: It was revealed that companies that have a protocol for onboarding have higher productivity of new employees by up to fifty percent (HBR).
  • Employee Engagement: Employees who underwent structured onboarding are likely to stay with the company for at least 3 years, with a 58% higher chance (SHRM).

On this basis, the importance of onboarding as a process aimed at newcomers’ integration and improvement of their attitudes towards work, as well as productivity and turnover rates, can be further evidenced.

Why Is Onboarding Significant in the Executed HRM Process?

Onboarding is a pivotal part of Human Resource Management (HRM) for several reasons:

  • Integration: Mentoring facilitates the adjustment of new employees to the existing working culture, policies, and performance standards of the organization.
  • Engagement: Effective onboarding increases the employees’ level of engagement in their respective duties and organizational morale right from the start.
  • Retention: By equipping recruits with the tools and information they need, onboarding lowers the tendency for early turnover among new employees.
  • Performance: Onboarding ensures that the employee is ready and well-equipped to deliver their job to the optimum level.

Why the Concept of Onboarding Is Crucial for Retention

The management of organizational resources continues to be a concern for many enterprises. High turnover rates are expensive and can inflict significant damage on organizations. Onboarding plays a crucial role in retention by:

  • Creating a Positive First Impression: The first introduction defines the worker’s attitude towards the company and sets their expectations.
  • Building Relationships: Onboarding helps develop good relationships between new employees and their colleagues, which is vital for the organization.
  • Providing Clarity: When new recruits receive clear communication about their roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations, it minimizes uncertainty and anxiety.
  • Offering Support: Providing encouragement and feedback during the onboarding process helps new employees feel appreciated and supported.

The Onboarding Process: Measures and Tips

An effective onboarding process consists of several key steps:

  • Pre-boarding: This stage occurs before the first day in the company and includes sending welcome emails with company and role information, as well as preparing their workstation.
  • Orientation: Ensure that the new employee is orientated about the vision, goals, principles, and aims of the firm. This may involve giving brief overviews, showcasing samples of work, and introducing the project team.
  • Training and Development: Provide adequate orientation to equip the new employee with on-the-job skills through offering them the requisite tools for the job.
  • Integration: Assist the new employee in settling into the team and familiarize them with the organizational environment. Assign a mentor or buddy to guide them through the probationary period.
  • Feedback and Support: Meet with the new employee regularly to evaluate their performance and address any issues they may have. Continuous support is crucial throughout this process.

Onboarding and Orientation Are Specifically Designed to:

The purpose of onboarding and orientation is multifaceted:

  • Acclimatization: Facilitate the orientation process so new employees are comfortable with their surroundings at the workplace.
  • Expectation Setting: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the employees and the organization’s expectations.
  • Skill Development: Enable new employees to undergo necessary training to perform their job tasks.
  • Relationship Building: Promote interaction between new employees and other team members to avoid feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Performance Enablement: Ensure new hires are equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to meet expectations.

Employee Onboarding: Practical Tips

Here are some practical tips for a successful employee onboarding process:

  • Start Early: Begin the pre-boarding process before the actual joining date by performing pre-boarding activities.
  • Personalize the Experience: Tailor the onboarding process to the individual needs of the firm and new employees.
  • Leverage Technology: Use onboarding software and applications to facilitate the process and minimize problems.
  • Encourage Interaction: Encourage communication between new hires and other employees to ensure they feel integrated.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the onboarding process and make changes based on feedback from new hires and other stakeholders.

Employee Onboarding Articles: Further Reading

To further enhance your understanding of employee onboarding, here are some recommended articles:

  • The guide titled "The Ultimate Guide to Employee Onboarding" published by the Harvard Business Review.
  • "Effective Onboarding Practices to Improve Retention: A case of SHRM."
  • "How to Create a Successful Onboarding Program" by Forbes.
  • "Onboarding and Its Contribution to Employee Engagement" by Gallup.


Onboarding is a crucial part of the HRM process that determines the effectiveness of measures aimed at reducing staff turnover and increasing employee motivation and performance. It is essential in establishing the foundation for new employees’ experiences and work roles, making it possible to create a more supportive onboarding process. Newcomers should feel valued and ready to contribute to organizational goals, making onboarding a top priority.