8 Tips To Help You Make That Creative Resume That Every Recruiter Will Love
8 Tips To Help You Make That Creative Resume That Every Recruiter Will Love
Resumes today are no more just about bragging about those hard-earned accomplishments. With the world shifting from 'hard-working' culture to 'creative-working' culture, firms are invariably on a lookout for someone who can bring creativity to the organization. For, of course, creativity has this power to relate and keep the audience engaged.
Interestingly, this "creativity concept" works for your resume too. Keep it this way, there are 100 resumes that are so “usual” and then there’s yours, with all the required information in a simple and clean way. Impressive right?
As per a report by a most searched job portal in India, recruiters generally only spend about 7-second reading your resume before deciding whether to move forward with the same or not. So what you show them in these 7-second is all that matters.
So wanna show them every good thing about your resume? Then follow these 8 simple resume tricks.
- Pointers!! Pointers!! and Pointers!!

The first thing to do is ditch paragraphs, they are of no use today. Paragraphs will only clutter the resume making it harder to go through. Do you want that?
Instead of paragraphs, when writing about your experience, start with a heading that would describe the name and your role in the present or former organization and below that, list out everything you did there in points.
For example,
Content Writer At Bigleep (June 2018 – December 2019)

Bigleep is a job portal that operates from Noida and deals in informing job seekers about the latest job openings in India. Tasks I was a part of while working with Bigleep:
- Brainstorming ideas for the website blog
- Providing content for social media posts
- etc. etc.
- Always Try to Highlight Names

Have had worked with big companies? Proudly show that on your resume. Either put them in headings or under the ‘Experience’ section like:
“Closed deals with Google, Toyota and Bank of India” etc. or just bold them out. This allows direct attention from the recruiter and increases your chances of being called in for an interview.
- Place Keywords in your Resume

You might now be aware but many companies and recruiters today use keyword-scanning software to scan out resumes that would be of some use to them. For this reason, it’s important to include keywords from the job description in your resume. However, don’t overstuff the resume with keywords as the software can spot “keyword stuffing” too.
- Get your Email Address Right
You don’t want to go with -
[email protected] if am telling you. If you include that in your resume, even your best accomplishments will not be able to get you an interview call. Go professional with your email address. Something based on your name, in order to make the best possible impression.
- Add Colours

The world is dull enough so your resume doesn't have to be. Experimenting with colours should always be a priority when designing a resume. The logic is, colours have the ability to get one’s attention and when it comes to your resume, attention is everything you need. A colour tip – go with light colours on your resume, they are soft on eyes and thus attention pullers.
- Quality over Quantity

Most of the people will only try to fill up the space in their resume, which is bad. Always try to list out things that only a few people in the market can offer. Stop including skills like - Microsoft Office, email, Mac and PC proficient - in your resume only to fill up the space. Keep your skills section short, and only include impactful skills that you entertain.
- List Down your Hobbies
If you have a social media page or channel about anything with a good audience base or even a hobby, list it down in your resume. This will put you differently in the eyes of a recruiter. They will know that your life is not just limited to work and there are many more things in life that you are curious about.
- Cater your Resume for the Industry

Last but not the least, go industry-specific when it comes to making a resume. If you are an advertising professional, your resume must have some creative aspects that must show the advertiser in you. However, for a mechanical engineer, that creativity might not work and a simple resume will do just fine.